Monday, February 29, 2016

Done Marker!

The ten page project is 100%.

Over the next day or so I'll add the final hours together and work backwards in the posts for the prior week, placing them in the order I finished them.

The total hours I have placed on this project are:

 Page  1)  5 hours pencil, 225 minutes inking, 8.75 hours total
 Page  2)  5.5 hours pencil, 270 minutes inking, 10 hours total
 Page  3)  6.5 hours pencil, 160 minutes inking, 9.25 hours total
 Page  4)  12 hours pencil, 370 minutes inking, 18.25 total   (BIFF BAM POW!)
 Page  5)  7.5 hours pencil, 260 minutes inking, 12 hours total
 Page  6)  5 hours pencil, 460 minutes inking, 12.5 hours total (1st page done)
 Page  7)  6 hours pencil, 325 minutes inking, 11 hours total
 Page  8)  4 hours pencil, 325 minutes inking, 9.75 total
 Page  9)  5 hours pencil, 270 minutes inking, 9.5 hours total
Page 10)  5 hours pencil, 110 minutes inking, 7 hours total

That's 61.5 hours penciling, 2495 minutes inking (41.5 hours)
or 103 hours of crafting.

I'm gonna just go out there and say I spent 10 hours additionally on building the booklet, pagination, and printing, and an additional 30 hours at least on thumb nailing, and all the versions of scripting.

Here's a print version for sale:

- J.

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